New legislation has been introduced to combat sexually explicit deepfakes

The introduced legislation aims to create new criminal offences to ban the sharing of non-consensual deepfake sexually explicit material.  The Criminal Code Amendment (Deepfake Sexual Material) Bill 2024 will impose severe criminal penalties of up to 6 years imprisonment on those who share digitally created sexually explicit material. This behaviour can involve degrading, humiliating, [...]


Tinder Dating Safety Guide

Wesnet has been working with Tinder Australia over the last few months to create a Dating Safety Guide that will help survivors and the general population with learning about the safety features available in the Tinder Dating App. Although 79% (1) of Australians reported that dating app safety features were very [...]


What will new Apple edit and unsending features mean for survivors?

Updated 29 March 2023 Some of our member services (specialist domestic and family violence services) have asked us about the new edit and unsending features that were announced at Apple’s WWDC  event on 6 June 2022, relating to iMessaging on Apple devices. Specifically, the ability to edit within 15 minutes and unsend messages [...]


Apple’s New Safety Check – a tool for survivors

On 6 June 2022, Apple announced a new safety feature at its annual WWDC event that will significantly help victim-survivors of domestic abuse using iPhones and other connected devices. This new feature will help Apple users quickly secure their devices, making it a very helpful resource for victim-survivors of domestic abuse who are concerned [...]


Wesnet joins Coalition Against Stalkerware to support global fight against digital violence

Wesnet, the national peak body representing specialist women’s domestic violence services, today announced that it has joined forces with the Coalition Against Stalkerware to combat non-consensual tracking via digital device and to work towards providing support to survivors of domestic violence.  Today, the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women [...]


Webinar: 2nd National Survey on Tech Abuse and Domestic Violence

THE FINDINGS OF THE SECOND NATIONAL SURVEY ON TECHNOLOGY ABUSE AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN AUSTRALIA Early this year Wesnet, along with Dr Delanie Woodlock and researchers from Curtin University, conducted the Second National Survey on Technology Abuse and Domestic Violence. Funded by Telstra, the survey was completed by 442 domestic violence workers across all [...]


Which safety app can I recommend to my clients?

A new resource – App Safety Centre Reviews – has been developed from the findings and published on This will help women considering using an app to confidently choose the right app for their circumstances. The reviews will also provide a resource for frontline workers supporting survivors of abuse, to assist their clients [...]

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