Women’s Safety and Privacy Toolkit

The Women’s Technology Safety & Privacy Toolkit, created by the Safety Net Australia Project at Wesnet, is for women experiencing tech abuse to learn how they can increase their technology safety and privacy. This toolkit includes resource guides ranging from online privacy and safety tips to smartphone privacy and location safety information, and much more.

Digital Financial Security (with CommBank Next Chapter)

In partnership with CommBank we developed resources on technology-facilitated financial abuse. This type of abuse occurs when technology is used as a tool by the abuser to gain and maintain power and control over another person’s finances. Our resources explore how to identify technology-facilitated financial or economic abuse and the steps individuals can take to increase their digital financial security.

These resources and many more about financial abuse can be found on the CommBank Financial Abuse Resource Centre.

Apps (for smartphones and tablets)

Visit the App Safety Centre for more on mobile apps developed for survivors experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault. This toolkit contains information for survivors, practitioners, and app developers.


At Wesnet we are passionate about tech safety education and empowering women to take back control of their tech. We’ve created this short series of videos to answer some of the most common questions we receive on tech safety from the women we work with.

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We update our materials frequently. Please visit techsafety.org.au for the latest version of this and other materials.