Apps Reviewed

Scroll down to see the eight apps reviewed then click on each for more detailed information. Please note that none of the following apps are endorsed by Safety Net Australia or WESNET.

These reviews provide information so women can make informed choices about which apps they choose to use, if any.

The App Safety Centre project is a WESNET initiative, funded by the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)*, and developed in partnership with Western Sydney University and Dr Robert Merkel. The operation of ACCAN is made possible by funding provided by the Commonwealth of Australia under section 593 of the Telecommunications Act 1997. This funding is recovered from charges on telecommunications carriers. 


Before installing any app, consider whether an abusive person monitors your device, or has had physical access to your device in the past, or may have access to your device in the future. Determine whether or not it is possible that spyware may be installed on your device, or if an abusive person has access to your iCloud or Google Play account, in which case it may not be safe to download a personal safety app.

We know reviewing the Privacy Policies of any app prior to downloading is something we all should do, but likely choose not to. We encourage survivors to take this step as some apps reviewed do not make clear which data analysis tools are used, what user data is being collected, the specific reasons for collecting this data, who this data is shared with, or whether or not data is stored securely.

Before engaging with a personal safety app, survivors are encouraged to discuss the pros and cons with their support service and include it in their Safety Planning. For apps marketing themselves as a ‘Call for Help’ tool – in reference to contacting emergency responders or trusted contacts – we highly recommended users familiarise themselves with an app’s features early on. This will ensure they feel sufficiently confident in using them if needed in a stressful situation or under duress.