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Wesnet joins Coalition Against Stalkerware to support global fight against digital violence

Wesnet, the national peak body representing specialist women’s domestic violence services, today announced that it has joined forces with the Coalition Against Stalkerware to combat non-consensual tracking via digital device and to work towards providing support to survivors of domestic violence.  Today, the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women [...]


New Resource: Privacy & Safety on Facebook

WESNET and Facebook Australia teamed up to release an Australian version of Privacy & Safety on Facebook: A Guide for Survivors of Abuse. Launched at WESNET’s 2nd Annual Technology Safety Summit, this guide includes information about Facebook’s settings and features, as well as privacy tips for survivors using Facebook. The guide also includes Australian-specific resources [...]


Technology safety education: more than turning off location settings

On 26th and 27th October 2017, we will be welcoming over a hundred national and international practitioners, technologists, and academics to Melbourne at our 2nd Annual Technology Safety Summit. As we’re gearing up, we’ve been reflecting on what technology safety – and specifically technology safety education – means to us. More than turning off location [...]


What is Technology Safety?

Technology safety is a term coined by our sister project, Safety Net US at the U.S. National Network to End Domestic Violence. The phrase encompasses the concept that everyone should have the right to use technology without harm or harassment. To achieve this, technology safety also includes education on how technology can be used [...]

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