In the last few years, there has been increased interest in how technology can be used to assist survivors of abuse. With this interest, we have seen a flood of mobile apps and devices that can help survivors call for help, let selected friends know that they may need help, find resources and information on domestic violence or sexual assault, and even document abuse for evidence.

Due to the strong interest from agencies, funders, and technology companies, we are reposting a series of articles on what to consider when developing a mobile app for survivors of abuse. This series was written by our U.S. NNEDV Safety Net sister project based on their experience in developing the Tech Safety app, consulting with a wide range of technology developers, and reviewing dozens of apps created for domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking survivors.

Check out the four-part article, and learn more about what you should know before developing an app.

Part I: What to consider before developing a safety app
Part II: Know your audience
Part III: Safety first
Part IV: App security